Hi. My name is Wally, and this is my new column, "Wally After Dark."
Don't expect a lot of exciting stuff here, as I live at home with my mother and I mainly stay in at night watching TV. In fact, when I went outside so Mom could take my picture for the column, I think it was the first time I had been out after dark since that time I saw a mouse in the living room. But "Wally After Dark" sounded like a better title than "Wally On The Couch," or "Wally Watching Cable" so here we are. I thought about calling it "I Cover The Waterfront," but that made no sense at all.
Not a lot happened today. This being summer, I'm off from high school. Mom gave me a shopping list and I went to the supermarket. After that I watched TV. Oh, and on my way back from the supermarket I found a penny on the sidewalk, so actually, today was relatively action-packed. And the penny was heads up, which means you'll have good luck for the rest of the day. At least, that's what Mom says. I sure haven't been lucky with the TV, even with cable. 500 channels, and nothing good is on!
But the penny excitement happened during the day, and this is "Wally After Dark," so... really, I got nothin'.
Maybe Mr. Duffy, the nice man whose blog this is, will let me write about daytime stuff, or change the name of the column. He's usually very reasonable. He's only charging me 10 dollars for every column I write. He says it's very expensive to run a blog.
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