Monday, May 3, 2010


I saw this Buck Owens coloring book on Frog Blog [see blog list at right]. Though I'm not a kid, I felt compelled to follow the fascist order to "COLOR HIM, KIDS!" for some stupid reason.

I had no Crayola crayons, but I did have Photoshop, so I proceeded on my assignment, and spent WAY too much time on it. Real work got ignored, meals were skipped, bills went unpaid and by the end of it I had developed a deep, abiding resentment of Mr. Buck Owens.

When it was over, I had wasted a period of my life that I'll never get back. But at least Buck Owens was on fire.


teresa.frog.applause said...
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HTTrainer said...

tomorrow you may play with scissors

Shoshanah Marohn said...

Dude, he looks great.