Wednesday, January 13, 2010


When I wrote this, the part about the camel's bladder made sense to me, then it stopped making sense, and now it makes sense again.

I don't remember why it originally made sense, but it stopped making sense when I thought, if he needed to go into a men's room, she couldn't follow him in anyway, so, no problem there, plus, he could even climb out the window and lose Tina entirely.

Then I realized that if he had a strong bladder, Tina, who probably has an average bladder, would have to find a bathroom before he would, and that would be that.

It occurs to me only now that I really have no idea if camels have strong bladders in the first place. I know they can go a long time without water, but does that translate into an impressive bladder? I mean, during these long periods when they're not drinking water, are their bladders empty, or full? Or do they empty them along the way, and if so, how often?

Of course, it's possible I'm over-thinking this.


teresa.frog.applause said...

According to Urban Dictionary, a camel bladder is another word for a colostomy bag.

JCD said...

And according to camels, vice versa.

HTTrainer said...

TMI for me. Hey, mister can I have the key to the restroom?

Ann said...

But what if she was an astronaut wearing a diaper?