In putting together my wildly enthusiastic previous post celebrating Fusco's 20th anniversary, I came across this letter, which appeared in the Philadelphia Daily News back in 1993. I blacked out the name of the woman who wrote it to avoid a pesky lawsuit.

I don't remember what the dialogue was in this strip, but it had to be funnier than her summary.
I wonder if her daughter, who would be 24 years old now, became a floozy because of the Fusco Brothers.
One can only hope.
I feel you, brother. Once upon a time, I read a cartoon (believe it was in 'The New Yorker') wherein a befuddled male customer is told by a butch female clerk that, quote, "This is a feminist bookstore... there IS NO humor section."
I thought this was hilarious, as did my best friend at the time, a lesbian. However, subsequent retellings to half a dozen(+) females in a row was a resounding, growled: "That's not funny."
Which in itself is kind of funny, no?
Happy 20th-- keep on keepin' on.
Embrace the hate.
I enjoy nothing more than this kind of hate mail. Some people are so fucking stupid all you can do is laugh at them or put them out of their misery. Since euthanizing the witless is still illegal in 49 states, I just laugh.
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