Thursday, November 13, 2008


In a parallel universe I stumbled across by accident, police lieutenant Phil Gerard, Dr. Richard Kimble and one-armed man Fred Johnson are all alive, well and actually best friends.

Fred never killed Richard's wife, Richard was never falsely accused of the crime, he never escaped on his way to the death house and Phil was never obsessed with Richard's capture.

If you don't believe me, here's a picture I took with my cell phone camera:

In this particular parallel universe (there are many, my friends), nothing bad ever happens. Not to you, not to me, not to anybody. 

I know what you're saying: "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Hey, believe me, I wanted to stay, but they kicked me out. The problem is, they're filled up over there, and nobody wants to trade places with us.

I know what else you're saying: "How can I go exploring parallel universes?"

It's way too complicated to fully explain to a layperson, but let's just say that a helmet, a Mylar jumpsuit and a fifth of Johnny Walker Black are involved.


  1. I'm inclined to believe you... but ONLY if the helmet was a pith helmet. Was it a pith helmet?

  2. It WAS a pith helmet. I borrowed it from Ramar Of The Jungle.
