Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I recently suffered from a droopy fluorescent bulb in one of the many art lamps around my Professional Cartoonist Studio [PCS]. While there are worse things to suffer from at this point in my life, it was a problem nonetheless, and a potential embarrassment.

It wasn't the kind of thing I felt comfortable talking about with anybody. And anyway, who would I talk to? An electrician? A doctor? A hooker? A priest? Hell, they all charge a lot of dough.

Then, while looking at the lamp last night I had what Einstein (and only Einstein) liked to call an "Einstein moment." (Tesla liked to call it a "Tesla moment.") The solution popped into my head fully formed, I reached for a large binder clip and attached it to the lamp, all in the space of 10 seconds. It was as if I had channeled Hedy Lamarr!

My bulb was rigid* and straight as a rod. My fluorescence had regained it's tumescence.

Now I can once again interview interns in my PCS in confidence. (I have an arrangement with Miss Potter's Art College for Young Ladies, which is conveniently located down the street; in exchange for gaining valuable professional experience, the students draw The Fusco Brothers for me.)

Move over, Spencer Tracy ("Edison, The Man"), Mickey Rooney ("Young Tom Edison") and Antonia Ricigliano (the mayor of Edison, New Jersey)!

*For rigid bulbs lasting more than four hours, consult an electrician.