Saturday, January 3, 2009


Perhaps Jed is sad because it is an overcast day. Perhaps Jed is discouraged because his farming career is in the toilet and he cannot afford to buy a shirt. Perhaps Jed is unhappy because his land is black and not a rich, fertile brown. Perhaps Jed is depressed because his overalls are green and not blue like the overalls of of all the other farmers in the valley, and he fears he will not be accepted into the Grange. Or perhaps Jed's red fence reminds him of Satan, and he is frightened.

Perhaps we shall never know.


  1. oh, it's noticed, but the title helps explain. thx for expressing the sense of humour in it all.

  2. It's either laugh or cry.

    I like to do both simultaneously.

    This frightens my turtle.

  3. turtle-speak is difficult to interpret. i think you may be confusing fear with awe.

  4. I know my turtle like the back of my hand.

    Wait a minute. That IS the back of my hand!

    And here I was thinking I had a turtle.

    But now the question becomes: why is the back of my hand frightened? (Or is it awe?)

    And why does it look so reptilian? Is my dishwashing liquid to blame?

    So many questions, so little time.
